Wednesday 8 March 2017

Upon initial reveal of the new Star Wars trilogy, teaser trailers were realised which in no way revealed main plot points of the film, Not only this but within the Disney Store they were realising toy lines for the film as well as adjusting the look of the store itself to create a star wars theme.

As per the norm with the release of a new star wars film or box set they released a game, Star Wars Battlefront created by EA, which although is based off the original trilogy, an interest in the franchise is sparked.

Social media is very important in the marketing of the film, as the increase in number of social media sites increases the number of platforms available to promote the film. Shortly after the release of the film there was approximately 17,000 tweets a minute showing increased interest of the film.

How did star wars maximise its audience?
It has spin off series that make the franchise familiar for younger audiences, because of the on going franchise it creates a sense of nostalgia for older audiences, dipping into video games helps promote their franchise to young adult.


Owning ABC news and ESPN is useful for Disney as every one watches the news at some point and for many people sport is a big part of their lives and so the audience that they gain from owning these creates awareness through a larger population.

Star Wars, which practically invented modern licensing after its 1977 release, has brought retailers more than $32 billion in merchandising sales alone - and that number, according to both Lucasfilm and industry analysts at NPD Group, is increasing by at least $1.5 billion per year. 

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