Wednesday 30 November 2016

Preliminary Task Summary 

To begin with we were required to write a script each within our groups which therefore required us to pick the best one from our group. This is something we could have done better our group had an inability to pick with most of us sitting on the fence and saying they don't mind. When it comes round to doing the final task a snap decision as to what idea we are following is a must, to give us more time  to complete the task.

After addressing the script that formulate our task, we had to assign roles. This was a simple process and in many ways the speed at which we chose roles made up for the time wasted on the choice of script, with roles being based upon previous skill or talent. However, with the script taking an age to write the storyboard could not be finished slowing down the whole process. Despite the slow nature of the production the script was written to a good standard so drawing up the story board was not too hard and because of the this you could follow the script and story board simultaneously. Again if we were to redo the process speed would be the key aspect to improve, on whole this would make us more time effective allowing us to have more time for filming.

 With the script and story board being easy to follow, the filming process was relatively easy because we knew what shots we wanted how long they were going to be and where they were going to be taken from. However, with the corridor being quite narrow we had to compromise with some of the shots e.g. the shot of the feet was mean to be a tracking shot but we could not fit all of us down the corridor. As much as these compromises were not planned, I feel we dealt with them in a professional manner and resolved the issue very quickly. One problem when looking back on the footage during the editing process is that a lot of our shots were out of focus. This was no help to the time taken in the stages before as t meant we did not have the time for filming that we would have liked but for future reference the reviewing of footage is essential for an effective overall task and we would incorporate this in next time.

Editing- When it came to editing, our editor Nabil was ill on the first day, this created confusion within the group as no one was stepping into his place to cut down our footage to size. To be an effective group it should have been second nature for us to take the responsibility and fill in for someone if they are not here.

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